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The Waves Will Come

Updated: Jan 3, 2023

The tears came. And they came fast. She ran into my room and said, “I need a hug. Right now.” I gave her a hug.

In that moment with my daughter, it reminded me of the many conversations I’ve had with people over the years about their careers. They needed a hug. Right now. And not in the physical sense. They needed somewhere to park all the emotions they were feeling about their current roles and what’s next. And so I gave them a hug. Often more than one.

I’ve had those same moments where I needed a hug. I needed somewhere to park my emotions as I sorted out the things in my head and the things pulling at my heart.

I truly believe we have most of life’s answers in our hearts. But often, what I discovered during these “hugging“ sessions, many of their answers are clouded under years of doubt and fear. Much of the doubt stemming from what others have said about their abilities. Or fear, which has become a permanent fixture in their tool box of skills.

Sadly, I’ve seen WAY too many people make doubt and fear their story, their North Star and now they are off course. Reeling. Struggling. Scared.

Picture of huge wave and woman surfing under it
Source: Instagram @iuliastration

I say to you today, this doesn't have to be your story. Your story can be where you muster up the courage to do something different! Now, this doesn’t have to be a grandiose thing- a “social media-worthy“ moment. It can be as simple as saying, “I know I am enough“ and believing it. Or simply saying, ”No. I deserve something better.”

Whatever you decide, it’s time to embrace all the doubt and uncertainty, because one thing is for sure, these two things never go away completely. They often come in waves, but luckily we don’t have to let the waves crash into us- we can ride them if we want.

I am currently riding the hell outta this wave called “Establishing Myself as a Career + Confidence Coach.” And what I’m finding is water has gotten into my eyes, I have fallen off my wave, I've swallowed a BUNCH of salt water, which makes me want to vomit, my knees are shaky, BUT I feel more alive than I have in a long time and that makes me get up and try again. Every. Single. Day.

I KNOW I am enough. I KNOW I am capable. And I deserve all the things.

So do you.



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